Welcome to the fall APA|NY Portfolio Review. This event will give photographers the chance to have their portfolio reviewed by top creatives in the advertising world. There will be up to 12 creatives doing 10-minute reviews per photographer. Photographers will queue up and wait their turn to see the reviewers of their choice; there will be no pre-determined reviews. Based on the number of reviewers and the limited number of photographers, each person should be able to see at least three reviewers. After the reviews are over, there will be a social hour at a local bar so you can mingle with the reviewers and fellow photographers.
Think of this as a way to tune-up up your current portfolio or run a new project by a creative and see what you need to do to take your work to the next level. It’s always great to get a job from one of these reviews - showing new projects and work could do just that.
Sign up early as there are only 30 spots. Registration will be open to Leader and Pro members first, followed by other level members if space is available. You can’t beat the price and if this Portfolio Review works well, we plan to do it again.
Valerie Wager
Ted Kossakowski
Freelance CD
Danny Terpening
ACD at Harrison and Star
Michael Foster
ACD at Harrison and Star
Rita Caliendo
VP Group Art Supervisor at CDM
Cheryl Benson
Group Art Supervisor at Harrison and Star
Jim Harley
Freelance CD
Keith Henry Brown
Art Director Grey Advertising
James Salser
VP Art group Supervisor CDM
David Cohen
Freelance CD
Jennifer Harrison
VP ACD Biolumina
Christa Moeller
VP Associate Creative Director GSW
Registration availability will open accordingly to the following membership levels:
Pro & Leader Members: Monday, September 17th
Associate, Supporter, & Contributor Members: Monday, October 1st
Non-Members: Monday, October 9th
If you are looking get your personal project funded, there are more options than you might...