Oct. 3 - Knowledge Bank 3

Wed 03rd Oct, 2018 – Thu 04th Oct, 2018

Posted by APA New York


Members Only - $5


Our industry is experiencing rapid changes and it’s imperative that we keep up and expand our base of knowledge. The Knowledge Bank series is designed for just that.

KB3 will once again feature APA member Travis Keyes, who will open the evening with a one hour Instagram tutorial on how to use Instagram more effectively. Travis will explain a variety of tips & techniques to better tag your photographs, gain more followers, and increase your visibility and sales potential in the marketplace. This talk will be more formal than the open discussion at KB2.

Each member should bring one photograph, ready for posting to Instagram. At the end of the talk, we will all post our images together, commenting on and "liking" each other's work to boost the effectiveness of our Instagram feeds. Those who are interested can form PODS to further increase the potential of their pages.

Typically, the Knowledge Bank meetings are open for discussion on any topic. At KB3, we will spend the rest of the evening discussing portfolio preparation and editing one's work for a strong presentation. The board of APA|NY has discussed holding a new special event, almost the opposite of a portfolio review. Here, 20-30 photographers will sit at tables with their portfolios, showing their work to creatives who will wander the room. Unlike the typical portfolio review, the creative has the choice of which portfolios to view. We would like your input on this event.

If any time remains, there will be the usual open conversation, sharing and discussing whatever is on your mind about APA and/or the business of photography. It is a modern version of the village gatherings that took place centuries ago or a classic “town hall” meeting. Come prepared with questions and be ready to offer answers as we share experiences with fellow APA members. There’s no agenda, just a free-flow of ideas and conversation with like-minded peers.

Pizza and beer will be served.




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